• March Newsletter: How Chiropractic Helps Patients with Scoliosis

    Could chiropractic treatment help your scoliosis pain?

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  • March Newsletter: The Key Differences between Chiropractors and Osteopaths

    Not sure if you should see an osteopath or chiropractor?

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  • May Newsletter: Does Chiropractic Care Improve Athletic Performance?

    Frustrated by athletic setbacks? Chiropractic care could help you succeed.

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  • May Newsletter: Is Your Spine Ready for Summer?

    Would you like to avoid back pain this summer?

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  • May Newsletter: Long-Term Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

    Do you know about the long-term advantages of chiropractic care?

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  • May Newsletter: Your Chiropractor Can Help You Recover from Sports Injuries

    Suffering from a sports injury? Find out how chiropractic can help.

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  • May is National Correct Posture Month

    Could poor posture be the source of your back pain? Making a few changes during National Correct Posture Month could help ease your pain.

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  • Meditation and Me

    For many of us, the practice of meditation seems like a totally foreign notion. In an era of full-time, morning-to-night distractions and distractibility, the concept of quietly sitting with nothing else to do seems impossibly ridiculous. Why would anyone do that, we ask, as we text message with one

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  • Migraine Headaches

    About 36 million Americans suffer from the debilitating headaches known as migraines, according to the Migraine Research Foundation. Women between the ages of 25 and 55 are the likeliest victims. Migraine headaches can last anywhere from a few hours to three days, drastically compromising individuals’

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  • Mind and Matter

    Scientists and philosophers have pursued the notion of mind for thousands of years. [Of course, being able to think about the mind's origins and place in the universe presumes having a mind, but that's a separate piece of this puzzle.] Regardless of mind's origin, we are well aware that the human mind

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  • Mission Possible

    Everyone knows what he or she "should" do to obtain good health. But the mere knowledge of what we should be doing is never enough. If we've not been in good shape for some time, if we can't remember the last time we did any meaningful exercise on a consistent basis, and if we've added more pounds over

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  • Monitor Arm

    First it was great when computer monitors went from taking up so much desk space to the new flat panels but they are still on the desk taking up space and don't have too many ways to adjust their position to best fit a person's work station. Humanscale, a leader in ergonomic office furniture, offers

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  • Movement

    Imagine waking up one morning with a frozen shoulder where you couldn't move your upper arm more than a few inches in any direction. How much would that impact your ability to do your job? How much would that affect your ability to drive your car or even to dress yourself? How much would that affect

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  • Muscle Relaxation

    The goal of progressive muscle relaxation is to reduce the tension in your muscles. First, find a quiet place where you'll be free from interruption. Loosen tight clothing and remove your glasses or contacts if you'd like. Tense each muscle group for at least five seconds and then relax for at least

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  • Myofascial Release

    Not all pain is caused by obvious injuries like broken bones or cuts. Some pain may stem from the myofascial tissues. These tough membranes are wrapped around your muscles to provide support and connect them to other parts of the body. When myofascial tissue becomes stiff, it may restrict movement in

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  • Myopathy

    Myopathy refers to a group of muscle diseases that are caused by muscular dysfunction that results in muscle weakness and waste. It is important to recognize that while some myopathic conditions can be caused by reduced nerve supply or excess nerve supply, the disorders do not stem from a neurological

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