• Self-Guided Imagery

    Mindfulness techniques can assist a person substantially in achieving improved levels of health and well-being. These methods, including meditation and guided imagery, are gaining prominence as more traditional medicine group practices, hospitals, and teaching institutions 1,2 are embracing an integrated

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  • Senior Fitness

    Bob Barker, beloved host of The Price Is Right, recently made headlines by announcing his retirement after 35 years. "Barker irreplaceable!" blared the entertainment tabloids. And yet, Mr. Barker celebrated his 82nd birthday a few months ago.Eighty-two! Who really are the "seniors" among us? And what

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  • September Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Herniated Discs

    Could chiropractic care relieve herniated disc pain?

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  • September Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Tendinitis

    Not sure what to do about tendinitis pain? Call your chiropractor!

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  • September Newsletter: How Chiropractic Care Helps with Sprains and Strains

    Dealing with a painful sprain or strain. A visit to the chiropractor could offer natural relief.

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  • September Newsletter: How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Chronic Pain

    Tired of living with chronic pain? Find out if chiropractic car can help.

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  • Shin Splints

    Shin splints are characterized by pain in the front part of the lower leg. It occurs on the inside edge of the large bone there — the tibia. This condition is common in runners, but can also occur in other physically active people. Shin splints usually happen during or after a change in the intensity

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  • Should I Go Gluten Free?

    It is now well-known that gluten intake is frequently associated with various serious conditions such as celiac disease, diabetes, and fibromyalgia. Years ago, most people had never heard of this substance or its related medical problems. But today, supermarkets as well as organic markets contain gluten-free

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  • Should I Use Heat or Ice for Pain?

    When you're feeling pain, sometimes it's difficult to determine if heat or ice will treat that pain best. This article will help you learn which is best for different types of injuries and pain.

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  • Should I Use Ice or Heat for Pain?

    Did you hurt your knee during an intense game of pick-up basketball this weekend? Or do you deal with chronic pain? Learn whether you should apply heat or ice for particular kinds of pain.

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  • Shoulder Pain

    Chiropractors will always seek to treat shoulder pain with the most gentle and drug-free methods possible. The ultimate goal of chiropractic care for shoulder pain is to bring the patient's shoulder back to full function while reducing and eliminating the pain caused by the injury. Shoulder pain can

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  • Shoulder Pain - Heart Attack or Rotator Cuff Injury?

    The great TV classic ER helps teach armchair physicians to become amateur diagnosticians. He's in shock! She's got kidney stones! Rule-out pheochromocytoma! But sometimes a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. You've learned somewhere - on the network news, in the Science section of The New

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  • Shouldering the Load

    As with much in life that we take for granted, we are not usually concerned with the mechanisms of how our bodies work and how they do what they do. Such knowledge is not required for use of these magnificent machines that have been freely given to us. But just as a wise consumer will care for her or

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  • Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain

    Is a lack of sleep thwarting your best weight loss efforts? There is much evidence to suggest that a lack of sleep goes hand-in-hand with weight gain. But first, it is important to address why you aren't sleeping well. Is your stress level or caffeine intake to blame? Or is your sleeplessness due to

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  • Sleep Better: 8 Simple Steps

    Ten to fifteen percent of Americans suffer from chronic insomnia. Do you? Most of us experience an occasional sleepless night, but prolonged bouts of insomnia can lead to decreased mental function, frazzled nerves, and lowered immunity. The good news is that you don’t have to pop

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  • Slipped Disc

    Discs do not actually "slip". Rather, they may herniate or bulge outward. A herniation is a displaced fragment of the center part of the disc. You may have heard the term "slipped disc" used to describe a low back injury. Discs do not actually "slip." Rather, they may herniate or bulge out from between

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