Welcome to our Newsletter Library!

Here, you will find our collection of informative newsletters that cover a variety of important health and wellness topics. These complimentary newsletters are provided so that you may improve your understanding of chiropractic care and learn more about the fascinating abilities of our bodies! 

  • Relieve Chronic Stress With Chiropractic Care

    Preventing stress-related pain can be as simple as scheduling regular chiropractic appointments.

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  • Relieving Stress and Pain During Holiday Celebrations

    Want to avoid aches and pains and lower stress this holiday season? Try chiropractic care!

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  • Repetitive Motion Injuries

    A repetitive motion injury (or overuse injury) involves doing an action over and over again, as with a baseball pitcher throwing a baseball, a tennis player hitting a tennis ball, typing at a computer keyboard, and most notoriously, typing with your thumbs on the tiny keypad of your phone. It may be

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  • Self Care for Chronic Pain: Do's and Do Not's

    Wondering what to do about your chronic pain? These tips can help.

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  • September Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Herniated Discs

    Could chiropractic care relieve herniated disc pain?

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  • September Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Tendinitis

    Not sure what to do about tendinitis pain? Call your chiropractor!

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  • September Newsletter: How Chiropractic Care Helps with Sprains and Strains

    Dealing with a painful sprain or strain. A visit to the chiropractor could offer natural relief.

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  • September Newsletter: How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Chronic Pain

    Tired of living with chronic pain? Find out if chiropractic car can help.

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  • Should I Use Heat or Ice for Pain?

    When you're feeling pain, sometimes it's difficult to determine if heat or ice will treat that pain best. This article will help you learn which is best for different types of injuries and pain.

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  • Should I Use Ice or Heat for Pain?

    Did you hurt your knee during an intense game of pick-up basketball this weekend? Or do you deal with chronic pain? Learn whether you should apply heat or ice for particular kinds of pain.

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  • Smart Shoulders

    Our shoulder joints have the greatest range of motion of any of the musculoskeletal joints in our bodies. The shoulder joint is really two joints, the glenohumeral joint between the arm bone (humerus) and the shoulder blade (scapula) and the acromioclavicular joint between the acromion (a bony projection off the scapula) and the collarbone (clavicle). The glenohumeral joint is a ball-and-socket joint and the acromioclavicular joint is a gliding joint.

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  • Spring Forth!

    Spring is arriving. The days are getting longer, the air is fresher, and the sunlight is brighter. Flowers and bushes are beginning to bloom. Tree sap is running and there are new baby animals in the world. In short, the world is being renewed and, if we choose to, we too can actively participate in

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  • Standing Tall

    Young peoples' bones stop growing by approximately age 20, somewhat earlier in women and somewhat later in men. Long bone growth, that is, in the arm, forearm, thigh, and leg, ceases later and smaller bone growth, that is, in the hands, feet, and spine, ceases earlier. In essence, you're as tall as you're

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  • Staying Healthy as a Caregiver

    Maintaining good health is crucial if you're a caregiver. These tips can help you avoid illness and injuries.

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  • Stop Work-Related Back Pain

    Does your back ache after a day at work? These tips can help you avoid back pain.

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  • Summer Sports

    Summer Sports In the summertime, everyone's thoughts turn to the outdoors. We want to get out in the sun and have some fun. Some people do exercise outdoors, such as running, walking, and biking, all year long regardless of the weather.1 For others, summer's warmer temperatures make activity outside

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